March 6,  2010             Indianapolis Regional


Attendance - 19

Unit 117: Vangie Smith, Christopher Overpeck        Unit 136:  Georgia Banziger, Jan Gimbrone

Unit 122:  Suman Agarwal, Jerome Williams            Unit 164:  Richard Newtz, Matt Heuser

Unit 124:  Potter Orr, John Stoppiello                      Unit 130:  Mary Beth Ransel, Joyce Brandt                       

Unit 227:                                                                             Unit 193:  John Lawler

Also present:  Bob Sulgrove, President; Nancy Sachs, Secretary; John Hinton, Treasurer;  Bob Lyon, Tournament Coordinator; Bill Higgins, NAP/GNT Chairman; Brad Bartol, Midwest Monitor Editor.


The meeting began at 5:10 PM with President Bob Sulgrove presiding. He asked that everyone introduce themselves.  Bob Sulgrove thanked the Indianapolis Unit for their hospitality and organizing this tournament.


SECRETARY’S REPORT    The minutes of the  meeting are posted on the District 11 Web site. (Copy attached)  Two typos were corrected.  John Hinton  moved and  Suman Agarwal seconded that the minutes be approved as corrected.  Passed unanimously


TREASURER’S  REPORT.    John Hinton, Treasurer, distributed the Treasurer’s Report. (Copy attached). There is a balance of $10,457.48 in our account.  There is loss for the year to date of $3,538.00. The Monitor finances will be handled separately by the Editor, Bard Bartol.  Joyce Brandt moved and Matt Heuser seconded that the report be approved as written.  Passed unanimously.


MIDWEST MONITOR   Brad Bartol, Editor, has taken over the checking and billing for the first half of this year.  The first issue had a $2000.00 loss.  The rates for ads have been increased, and the projected income for the year should be approximately $10,000.00.  Brad has received many compliments about the new format.

(Copies attached)   John Lawler from Unit 193 asked that the name for his unit as listed in the Monitor be changed.  Brad asked that the Unit select a name that will fit in the format and e-mail it to him by Wednesday.

There was a discussion about switching to electronic distribution. There was a discussion about how to reduce the mailing list by eliminating the names of diseased members and unpaid members. Potter Orr and Brad will look into this. The board thanked Brad for a job well done.


TOURNAMENT COORDINATOR   Bob Lyon distributed the 2011 and 2012 Tournament Schedules. (Copies attached)  The dates were reviewed and conflicts discussed.  He recommends checking the tournament dates at the ACBL Web site before selecting dates for tournaments.  It is important to do this as early as possible.


DISTRICT DIRECTOR    A. Beth Reid  is unable to attend this meeting because she is at the ACBL Board of Directors meeting at the Reno NABC.  Her report will be on the Web site.


NABC – LOUISVILLE 2011   Vangie Smith distributed a Financial Report for this tournament.  The balance on hand of cash and CD’s is $88,011.66. The total cash received has been $95,722.52.  The total estimated revenue is $203,412.68. This is an estimated shortfall of $25,187.32. Vangie also distributed a flyer for sponsorship of events and days at the tournament. She urged all units to participate.  (Copies attached)  She also reminded each Unit to send the name of their Volunteer Chairman to Joyce Lepping, jlepping@bellsouth.net.  The Chairman is Hannah Davis, bama426@aol.com.  They need your help.  Richard Newtz moved and Joyce Brandt seconded that we accept the report as written.  Passed  unanimously.


iggHH.NAP/GNT   Bill Higgins, District Chairman, sent a letter to each unit asking if they wanted to host the NAP and/or the GNT Finals. He received one proposal each for the GNT and NAP District Finals.  Cincinnati wants to host the NAP in conjunction with their fall sectional.  They will charge the District $1600.00 to host this event.  This amounts to $14.00-$15.00 per table. This is less than what we paid in the past. This year it will be October 30. Potter Orr, Cincinnati, will contact their site about hosting the event for subsequent years.  Georgia Banziger moved and Sumar Agarwal seconded that we accept this proposal.  Passed  unanimously.  Dayton wants to host the GNT at their Bridge Center on January 29 and 30, 2011. (Proposal attached)  The charge will be $12.00 per table for the two days. They are able to host this event in subsequent years.  Matt Heuser moved and Vangie Davis seconded that we accept this proposal.  Passed unanimously. Bill Higgins has received the sanctions for these events.  Unless requests are received for other locations, we will assume that the events will continue at the same locations.  A survey of participants was taken at the District GNT Finals in Cincinnati in January of this year. This was done as a response to questions raised by District 11 players concerning the format used when a small number of teams enter a particular flight (specifically, three, four, or five teams).  Bob Sulgrove authored the survey and tabulated the responses.  There are two main areas of concern: 1) carryover from Saturday to Sunday; and 2) the number of sessions played on Sunday when three, four, or five teams enter one flight.  A lengthy discussion followed.  John Hinton moved and Sumar Agarwal seconded a motion that there be no carryover to Sunday in any of the four flights.  Passed unanimously.  The format of play  and voting results for three, four, and five teams in any flight will be:  a) Five teams – 2 session round robin on Saturday to reduce to four teams on Sunday for semis and finals (Passed 13-4); b) Four teams – 2 session round robin on Saturday  robin on Saturday to reduce to 2 teams for a 2-session final on Sunday (Passed 12-5);  c) Three teams – 2 session round robin on Saturday to reduce to 2 teams for a 2-session final on Sunday (Passed 11-6).  After these votes, there was a discussion about Swiss team formats and time constraints.  Bill Higgins will seek suggestions and guidance from the ACBL and report back to this Board at the next meeting.


John Hinton moved and Bill Higgins seconded that the meeting be adjourned at 6:50 PM.


The next meeting will be at the Cincinnati Regional between the afternoon and evening sessions on

 Friday, May 7, 2010.


                                                                     Respectfully submitted,




                                                                     Nancy Z. Sachs

                                                                     Recording Secretary