August 8, 2009     Dayton/Columbus Regional


Attendance - 23

Unit 117:  Hannah Davis, Jean Donoho                                   Unit 136: Georgia Banziger

Unit 122:   Cheryl Schneider, Anita Torrence                         Unit 164: Richard Newtz, Matt Heuser

Unit 124:  John Stoppiello                                                      Unit 130:  Joyce Brandt                      

Unit 227:  Bill Sentman, George Pope                                    Unit 193:  Marcie Harding, Karen Nun

Also present:  Bob Sulgrove, President; Jill Ohlson, Vice President; John Hinton, Treasurer; Nancy Sachs, Secretary; A. Beth Reid, ACBL District Director;  Bob Lyon, Tournament Coordinator; Bill Higgins, NAP/GNT Chairman; Brad Bartol, Midwest Monitor Editor;  Rob Weidenfeld, Education Chairman; Matt Cory, Youth Chairman


The meeting began at 5:50 PM with President Bob Sulgrove presiding. He asked that everyone introduce themselves. 


SECRETARY’S REPORT    The minutes of the meeting are posted on the District 11 Web site. (Copy attached)  Jean Donoho said that there was a mistake in the NABC 2011 report. It should be corrected to read “A $50,000 donation from a private sponsor is promised. The balance in the account is approximately $30,000.”  Anita Torrence moved and Richard Newtz  seconded that the minutes be approved as corrected.  Passed unanimously


TREASURER’S  REPORT.    The Treasurer’s Reports were distributed. (Copies attached). There is a  balance of $10,829.43 in the Treasury.   The Monitor has a net loss of $ 1,644.69.  The ads for July have been billed and will be recouped. We reimbursed the 3rd place teams in NAP $600.  We reimbursed the GNT first place team $4000.    John asked that Units send him the names and addresses of their Treasurers. Karen Nun moved and Cheryl Schneider seconded that the report be approved.  Passed  unanimously.


DISTRICT DIRECTOR    A. Beth Reid stated that her report from the NABC in Washington D.C. is on the District 11 Web Site, and she sent out her report to each Unit  for distribution. (Copy attached).


 MIDWEST MONITOR   Brad Bartol, Editor, stated that at the last meeting he distributed Time Lines for the deadlines.  As a result, reports have been coming in early.  He thanked everyone. He asked everyone to please send him the ads on the original computer form.  When ads are sent on paper, they will not look good.  It was recommended that we not post obituaries in the Monitor.  Deadline for the next issue is August 28. A discussion followed about the Monitor and a critical letter Brad received.  Some Districts have large treasuries because they own and profit from their Regionals. Some Districts join together to form a conference. These Districts have more funds to use for a publication.  The members agreed that we are happy with the Monitor the way it is, and thanked Brad for his hard work and a job well done..


TOURNAMENT REPORT    Bob Lyon, Tournament Coordinator, distributed the 2009, 2010, 2011, and 2012 Schedules.  (Copies attached)  Cincinnati 2010 schedule was distributed and approved.  It has been changed to a Mon-Sat .tournament to avoid having it on Mother’s Day. Their Regional in 2011 is scheduled on the weekend of Derby Day and Mother’s Day.  Bob recommended that it be held a week later. Sanctions for 2009 are finished; 2010 is almost complete..  He reminded the Units of the sanctions he needs and conflicts of dates. The Board requested that Beth Reid speak to the DIC about the Comers being on the staff at the Louisville/Lexington  Regional.



 Hannah Davis, Chairman, distributed pens and Promotional Posters to be put up wherever there are games.

The posters are promoting the Game Week September 1-7, 2009.  She distributed the information about

promotional games, budget, and committees. Each city in our district needs a Volunteer Chairman who will obtain volunteers for the various committees. Cheryl Schneider will be the Columbus Chairman and Nancy Sachs will get a Chairman from Cincinnati.   Each Unit is asked to send the name of its Volunteer Chairman to Hannah.


NAP/GNT   Bill Higgins, District Chairman, reported that a committee of Bob Sulgrove, John Hinton, and himself reviewed how the units are compensated for the NAP and GNT Finals. The board prefers that the District be in charge of the GNT/NAP contests and take the financial risks of poor attendance. Cincinnati and Dayton want to host these events.  Any Unit may submit a proposal to host these events and the board will decide the locations.   The District gives the NAP winners a total of $4000. We made the following profits for the last three year:  2006 - $600; 2007 - $2000; 2008 - $1000.  Where District Finals are held on separate weekends, anyone who does not win in one flight, may attempt to win in another flight, if qualified.  We plan to hold all contests at the same time.

EDUCATION   Lexington is having their third annual Bridge Camp for 5-16 year olds.  It has been very successful.  Central Indiana is hosting a Duplicate Bridge Educational Conference on September 12.  Rob Weidenfeld and Matt Corey asked that they be sent the contact persons in Lexington and Indianapolis.  Beth Reid reminded everyone that there are Education Grants available from the ACBL.

NEW BUSINESS    Bob Sulgrove introduced the Youth Coordinator, Matt Corey.  Bob Sulgrove reported that Larry G. Weatherly of Lewisburg, WV requested to change his unit/district affiliation to 139/6, as that is where he plays.  Passed unanimously.  The President is authorized to approve future requests if the player’s current unit president concurs. Jill Ohlson distributed a form for suggestions of topics for the District meeting.  The President will deal with this before each meeting.  The form will be posted on the Web site.

The next meeting will be November 7, 2009, at the Louisville/Lexington Regional.  Bob Sulgrove reminded everyone that it is necessary to make a reservation for the meeting.  The agenda and contact person will be posted on the Web site.

Joyce Brandt moved and Cheryl Schneider seconded that the meeting be adjourned at 7:20 PM.  Passed unanimously. 


                                                                     Respectfully submitted,




                                                                     Nancy Z. Sachs

                                                                     Recording Secretary