Louisville, Kentucky                   Saturday,  November 11. 2006


Attendance - 19

Unit 117 (2):  Betty Mattison, Beth Reid                                Unit 136 (2): Wayne & Marilyn O’Conner

Unit 122 (2):  Jim Bachelder                                                               Unit 164 (2): Jill Ohlson, Matt Heuser

Unit 122 (2)   Pat Dutson, Nancy Sachs                                 Unit 193 (2)  Marshall Miller, Dorothy Moore 

Unit 130 (2):  Bob Lyon, Jim Cunningham                   Unit 227 (1): 

Bob Sulgrove, President; John Hinton, Treasurer; Jay Albright, ACBL Director; Annease Comer, ABA;

Marcia Harding, Sondra Holt 


The meeting began at 5:10 PM with President Bob Sulgrove presiding.


Introductions were made.   Bob Sulgrove announced the officers and committee chairmen for the District.   New  officers/chairmen are:  Charity Chairman- Susan Bullard; Education Chairman – Rob Weidenfeld;  Web Site Designer – Potter Orr; Web Site Maintenance -  John Nichols; Disciplinary Chairman – Mark Bullimore; Electronic Contact – Bob Sulgrove;  Bob asked that he be notified when the units have new presidents. Jim Reiman’s term of office as District Representative will expire in one year


SECRETARY’S REPORT    The minutes of the August 5, 2006,  meeting  were mailed to the representatives.  (Copy attached)  Beth Reid moved and Matt Heuser seconded that the minutes be approved as written.  Passed unanimously.  Nancy Sachs asked for additions/corrections to the list of members of the Board of Directors and their e-mail addresses. (Copy attached)


TREASURER’S REPORT    John Hinton, Treasurer, distributed the Financial Reports. As of 11/11/06 we have a loss of $100.31 He distributed the bills for the second half of 2006 for the Midwest Monitor.  When these are paid we will be making a reasonable profit. John distributed the North American Pairs Financial Report.  We made a profit of $805.71.With the profit from the GNT, we made a profit of $1750.00  Jim Cummingham moved and Jill Ohlson seconded that  the reports be approved as written.  Passed unanimously.  (Copies attached)   The ACBL insurance policy is in place and we will wait to see if we need a new policy.   John Hinton was commended for a job well done. 


MIDWEST  MONITOR     Betty Mattison reported that the publication is running smoothly.  John Hinton needs to be notified of each Unit’s contact for billing.  Bob Sulgrove stated that he would like to see articles on the history of the District and famous players from our area.  He encouraged people to write articles and submit to Betty Mattison.  She will use these as space permits.


AMERICAN BRIDGE ASSOCIATION    Annease Comer distributed a report. (Copy attached) She thanked everyone for their participation in the ABA/ACBL Unity Game and encouraged all units to host combined games.  


TOURNAMENT  REPORT   Bob Lyon  distributed copies of the 2006, 2007, 2008 Tournament Schedules.  (Copies attached)  He asked that the sanctioned that haven’t been submitted be sent in as soon as possible.  In 2007 the Regional ending March 31, will be in Indianapolis. This will be a Monday through Saturday tournament, because the site is not available on Sunday.  This is the extra Regional that the District is permitted to have and Southern Indiana dos not want it.  Jill Ohlson moved and Jim Cunningham seconded that the Lexington/Louisville Regional keep the traditional dates for 2011 and 2012.  Passed unanimously.  Proposed schedules for the Indianapolis and Cincinnati Regionals in 2007 were presented.  There was a discussion about how we allocate future tournaments.  We are entitled to four Regionals each year.  Three of these are fixed with traditional dates: Columbus/Dayton; Louisville/Lexington; Cincinnati.  This has been working very well.  At the next meeting it will be decided how we allocate the fourth Regional. There was a discussion about split regionals.  Dorothy Moore suggested that Indianapolis and Evansville host a split regional in 2009.  Jill Ohlson moved and Pat Dutson seconded that these units have the District’s permission to hold this tournament.  Bob Lyon will contact Butch Campbell about it.  Some Sectionals may have to be moved to accommodate this tournament; they will be notified.


GNT/NAP     Betty Mattison, Chairman, stated that Cincinnati does not have a site large enough to host the Fall Sectional and NAP Finals.   Pat Dutson reported that they can host the NAP District Finals the week following their Sectional on November 3, 2007.   A discussion followed.   Pat Dutson moved and Matt Heuser seconded that the Finals be held at this time.  Passed unanimously.  There has been a request for a change in our bylaws.  A discussion followed and there will be no changes.



Membership Allocation has been deferred to the next meeting.  There was discussion about changing our bylaws so that each unit has two representatives on the board.  A committee of Jill Ohlson and John Hinton will work on this and notify each unit 30 days prior to our May 6, 2007 meeting.

            Beth Reid reported   that we will need to have a surcharge at our sectionals beginning January 2008 to raise funds for the NABC in Louisville 2011.  She will also be encouraging units to hold promotional games. 

         Web Site.  Potter Orr has redesigned our Web Site and it is working.  John Nichols will maintain it.



The rules for cell phones and Zero Tolerance are set and should be enforced.  Each Tournament Chairman should explain this to the Directors before each tournament.


            Beth Reid announced that September 15-18, 2008, Louisville will be hosting the Ryder Cup.  There will be a Warren Buffet Cup Bridge Championship in conjunction with it.  She also announced that this tournament is up 150-200 tables so far.


Jim Bachelder moved and Nancy Sachs moved that the meeting be adjourned at 7:05 PM


            The next meeting will be held at the Cincinnati Regional on May 5, 2007.        


Respectfully submitted,



  Nancy Sachs, Secretary