Attendance -19
Unit 117 (2): Betty Mattison, Ken Hayes
Unit 122 (2): Jim Bachelder, Mark Bullimore
Unit 124 (2): Joe Lutz, Carolyn Ahlert
Unit 130 (3): Jim Cunningham, Bob Lyon
Unit 136 (2):
Unit 164 (2): Matt Heuser, Jill Ohlson
Unit 193 (1): Robert Tapp
Unit 227 (1):
Also present: Diane Travis, Vice President
Nancy Sachs, Secretary
Jim Reiman, District Director
Annease Comer, ABA
Bruce Reeve, ACBL President
Henry Cukoff, ACBL
Jay Albright, ACBL
Ray Anderson, Unit 193
The meeting began at 5:30 PM with Vice President Diane Travis presiding.
SECRETARY'S REPORT. The minutes of the October 11, 2003 Regional meeting were mailed to all members. Betty Mattison moved and Joe Lutz seconded that the minutes be approved as written. Passed unanimously. Nancy Sachs asked for additions or corrections to the list of e-mail addresses and representatives.
TREASURER'S REPORT. Jim Cunningham distributed the Financial Reports for John Hinton. The balance in the treasury on 12/31/03 was $13,556.26, which is a loss for 2003 of $276.65. The balance in the treasury on 5/1/04 is $11,330.12, which is a loss for this year of $2226.14. The bills for the April Monitor will be sent out the first week in May. Mark Bullimore requested that we investigate the status of our CD. Matt Heuser moved and Jim Bachelder seconded that the report be accepted as written. Passed unanimously.
PRESIDENT BOB STITT'S RESIGNATION. Because of the demands of his job, Bob Stitt will be unable to serve as President of District 11. Jim Reiman suggested that we appoint a nominating Committee to report to the next meeting where we will hold an election. The Committee will be: Chairman Jim Cunningham, Betty Mattison, and Mark Bullimore. This Committee will also make recommendations to fill the vacancies on the Board of Governors, the Goodwill Committee, and the Charity Committee.
ABA REPORT. Annease Comer reported that details are being completed to hold the first Joint ACBL/ABA Nationwide Unity Game on March 19, 2005. Players may win Master Points from the organization of their choice. There will be an ABA/ACBL Day at the ABA Nationals August 5, 2005, in Indianapolis. There will be an ABA/ACBL Day and Reception in the President's Suite at the New York NABC. The Cincinnati ABA Club will be hosting a tournament June 18-20.
TOURNAMENTS. Jim Reiman, Tournament Coordinator, distributed the schedules for 2004 and 2005. There was a discussion of conflicts in the scheduling. Jim Bachelder reported that there will not be a tournament in Cambridge, Ohio. COBA wants a sectional in January 2005 and requested that Dayton have their STAC in February or the week preceding the Super Bowl Sunday. Jim Reiman will check with Dayton about this. Bob Lyon requested that the 2006 Indianapolis Regional be the first week in December. The Adam's Mark Hotel is available. This would be immediately following the NABC in Hawaii. Jim Reiman will find out if this is possible.
STaC TOURNAMENTS. Carolyn Ahlert reported that she will be sending a notice for the Cincinnati STAC to all the clubs in the District. Jim Chiszar will be directing. He will be directing two STAC's at the same time, so our expenses will be reduced. Jim Reiman will get an up-to-date list of club addresses from the ACBL.
MIDWEST MONITOR. Betty Mattison requested prompt responses from the units. The next deadline is May 26.
GNT / NAP. The rules for this event have changed. The ACBL has reduced the cost of the games to $1 person and are permitting each club to have two games per month. It is hoped that this will increase attendance. The Columbus Unit is subsidizing the fees.
BRUCE REEVE, ACBL PRESIDENT. He thanked District 11 for having him as a guest. He remarked that most districts are having the same problems we have regarding dates for tournaments, because there are too many tournaments. He spoke at the Novice/Intermediate Reception today. The Board of Directors of the Units need to get the newer players involved so that they feel they are a member of the organization. The number one reason we lose players it that they do not have partners. By getting players involved, they will be able to meet people with whom to play.
OLD BUSINESS. Betty Mattison reported that there were 941.5 tables in play at the Louisville Regional. The Saturday and Sunday attendance was down.
Pratap's request for a transfer from District 11 was denied, because it did not meet the criteria for a transfer.
NEW BUSINESS. Ray Anderson moved and Bobby Tapp seconded that the Evansville Regional sponsor be permitted to have a free show and dinner as a promotion. Motion passed: 12 for and 3 against.
The attendance at this tournament should reach 1200 tables.
Jim Reiman reported that the Charity Foundation will be allocating $20,000 every four years to Districts. The cities should publicize this. A suggestion was made that funds be given to educational TV, because the ACBL will be having bridge on this media.
Jill Ohlson reported that 10 people from Northern Kentucky have requested transferring from Unit 124 to Unit 164. Cincinnati will look into this.
Congratulations were given to Ray Anderson for running the club that was named "Best in the Nation" by the ACBL.
NEXT MEETING. The next meeting will be August 7, 2004, in Dayton. Jill Ohlson moved and Bob Lyon seconded that the meeting be adjourned. Passed unanimously.
Respectfully submitted,
Nancy Z. Sachs, Secretary
Last Updated: July 20, 2004