May  11,  2012                    Cincinnati  Regional


Attendance - 24

Unit 117:  Gary Peterson, Ellen Kozlove                         Unit 136:  Steve Forsythe, Janis Gimbrone

Unit 122:  Larry Jones, Cheryl Schneider                        Unit 164:  Sandra Marlin, Terrell Holt

Unit 124:  Cordell Coy,  Barbara Levinson                      Unit 130:  Maribeth  Ransel, Judy Drejer                         

Unit 227:                                                                            Unit 193: Ron Sievers

Also present: Bill Sentman, President; Georgia Banziger, Vice President;  Nancy Sachs, Secretary;  Christopher Overpeck, NAP/GNT Chairman; Beth Reid, District Director; Dallas Moore, Education Chairman; Annease Comer, ABA; Brad Bartol, Midwest Monitor;  Potter Orr, WebMaster; Sharon Anderson, ACBL President;

A. J. Stephani, Tournament Chairman


The meeting began at 5:15 PM with President Bill Sentman presiding. He welcomed ACBL President, Sharon Anderson to our tournament and meeting. He asked that everyone introduce themselves.


SECETARY’S REPORT     Nancy Sachs, Secretary, asked that everyone fill out the Attendance Sheet. The minutes of the meeting are posted on the District 11 Web site. (Copy attached)  Cheryl Schneider moved and Terrell Holt  seconded that the minutes be approved as written.  Passed unanimously.


TREASURER’S  REPORT.  Potter Orr distributed the  Treasurer’s Report prepared by Adrienne Netherewood.. (Copy attached). The total cash balance is $28,085.16;  $1,896.31 of this total is the Midwest Monitor checking balance, and $17,000 is earmarked for future NABC’s within District 11. We received $549.00 from the Indianapolis Regional table fees.  We awarded $200.00 per team to the NAP Flight A & C third place finishers. The meal expense for the Indianapolis Regional Meeting was $407.10. Larry Jones moved and Georgia Banziger seconded that the report be approved as written.  Passed unanimously.


TOURNAMENT COORDINATOR   A. J.  Stephani distributed the report (Copy attached). He will ask Potter Orr to attach the complete Tournament Calendar to the Board meeting minutes. An electronic copy can be received by sending him an e-mail.  He inventoried the boxes and we have 357 of the original 360 boxes purchased 5-6 years ago.  He will arrange for the purchase on any new cards and boxes that are needed.  The Louisville/Regional venue has not been determined.  In 2016 Lexington/Cincinnati have a conflict because  they are sanctioned for the same week.  Cincinnati is trying to find a venue for moving their tournament to a mid-June date


DISTRICT DIRECTOR    A. Beth Reid reminded everyone that she posts on our Web site a report from each meeting. 


ABA  Annease Comer reported that their Summer National Tournament is in Indianapolis July 26 – August 4. Information can be found at ABAbridge.org. (Report attached)

iggHH.NAP/GNT   Kit Overpeck reported that the Flight B Team captained by Steve Forsythe wants to add a fifth and sixth person to their team. This will restore their team to the original number of six members.  Kit looked into the regulations concerning this and determined that this is not permitted by our Conditions of Contest, and the ACBL and Beth Reid agreed.  Nevertheless the district  has the authority to not comply with our Conditions of Contest. A discussion followed.  Larry Jones moved and Cheryl Schneider seconded that we permit this to happen.  Passed:  Ayes 12; No 1.

MIDWEST MONITOR  Brad Bartol, Editor, reported that there are no problems. He is responsible for maintaining the books and records of the Monitor.  The Holiday STaC was successful and he would like to ask other Districts to join with us for the StaC this year.

EDUCATION  Dallas Moore, Chairman, reported that there are websites with helpful information about education. .Patty Tucker, from the Atlanta Unit,  has some very helpful information on their website.  Beth Reid reminded us of the grants available from the ACBL Educational Foundation.  Sandra Marlin is a Trustee on the Foundation.



Sharon Anderson, ACBL President, spoke with us. She encourages everyone to communicate with the ACBL concerning problems and administration of tournaments.

Bill Sentman appointed Cheryl Schneider as Chairman of the Nominating Committee.  She will present a slate of officers for election and the next meeting.


The next meeting will be at the Dayton/Columbus Regional after the afternoon session on  Saturday August 4, 2012, Unit  Presidents are responsible for sending two representatives to each meeting and making reservations.    by August 1 to Georgia Banziger.  Potter Orr will put the information on the Web site; and send members an e-mail reminder.


Terrell Holt moved and Cheryl Schneider seconded  that the meeting be adjourned at 6:45 PM.


                                                                     Respectfully submitted,



         Nancy Z. Sachs

                                                                     Recording Secretary